All resources are designed to meet the needs of my students who work on P levels /new PRE-KEY STAGE 1-2 STANDARDS/. I kept the number of messages per page low with the intention to avoid unnecessary information and increase concentration. The repetitive elements are to support understanding and reduce the level of anxiety. Tasks are carefully chained to ensure a smooth transition and to minimize mistakes. Opportunities for repetition and generalization.
All resources are designed to meet the needs of my students who work on P levels /new PRE-KEY STAGE 1-2 STANDARDS/. I kept the number of messages per page low with the intention to avoid unnecessary information and increase concentration. The repetitive elements are to support understanding and reduce the level of anxiety. Tasks are carefully chained to ensure a smooth transition and to minimize mistakes. Opportunities for repetition and generalization.
Working with 0 – 5 pages to visualise the concept of ‘none’ and help independent work when 0 is involved .
Requires basic understanding of numerals up to 5.
Matching boards with finger counting based on MAKATON signs.
Students count and match the card of objects to corresponding number or, vice versa, match the number card to card of objects placed on the board beforehand .
Requires basic understanding of numerals up to 5.
Students count and match the card of objects to corresponding number or, vice versa, match the number card to card of objects placed on the board beforehand .
Requires basic understanding of numerals up to 5.
Worksheets are carefully chained to ensure a smooth transition between counting for sequences and counting for quantities. They are to discourage students to always start counting from ‘1, 2, 3…’ and help them to visualise cardinality. Repetitive objects are used to unsure better concentration.
The worksheets require basic understanding of numerals up to 5. Once laminated they could be use numeral times.
For subtraction – students cross as many objects as shown on the number sentence, count what’s left and record the answer.
The worksheets require basic understanding of numerals up to 5. Students cross the box besides the correct number.
Once laminated they can be use multiple times.
Worksheets are carefully chained to ensure a smooth transition between counting for sequences and counting for quantities. They are to discourage students to always start counting from ‘1, 2, 3…’ and help them to visualise cardinality. Repetitive objects are used to unsure better concentration.
The worksheets require basic understanding of numerals.
For subtraction – students cross as many objects as shown on number sentence.
Worksheets carefully chained to ensure a smooth transition between counting for sequences and counting for quantities. They are to discourage students to always start counting from ‘1, 2, 3…’ and help them to visualise cardinality. Repetitive objects are to ensure better concentration.
The worksheets require basic understanding of numerals up to 5/6.
Students start adding from the number shown on number sentence and record the final answer .
For numbers recognition/matching numerals to quantities – students cross the box besides the correct number.
Once laminated they can be use multiple times.
Students start with copying 1 letter at the time and learn to write the names of 6 vehicles. Digraphs/ diphthongs are kept together but not blends.
After students master copying , a visual dictionary could be use for generalization. The final phase is reading, where students read the words and match pictures accordingly.
All pages are carefully chained to allow a step-by-step independent work and to unsure error-less learning.
Good cross curricular links.
Students start with copying 1 letter at the time and learn to write the names of 6 domestic animals. Digraphs/ diphthongs are kept together but not blends.
After students master copying , a visual dictionary could be use for generalization. The final phase is reading, where students read the words and match pictures accordingly.
All pages are carefully chained to allow a step-by-step independent work and to unsure error-less learning.
Good cross curricular links.
Students start with copying 1 letter at the time and learn to write the names of 6 main colors . Digraphs/ diphthongs are kept together but not blends.
After students master copying , a visual dictionary could be use for generalization. The final phase is reading, where students read the words and match pictures accordingly.
All pages are carefully chained to allow a step-by-step independent work and to unsure error-less learning.
Good cross curricular links.
67 pages designed for Maths workstations to support students with ASD
Worksheets designed for independent work/workstation for students with ASD.
The worksheets require basic understanding of numerals up to 5.
Once laminated they can be use many times.
Worksheets are carefully chained to ensure a smooth transition between counting for sequences and counting for quantities.
They are to discourage students to always start counting from ‘1, 2, 3…’ and help them to visualise cardinality using repetitive objects for better concentration
For subtraction – students cross as many objects as shown on number sentence, count what’s left and record the final answer
For addition – students start adding from the number shown on number sentence and record the final answer
For numbers recognition/matching numerals to quantities – students cross the box besides the correct number
Matching boards – students count and match the card of objects to corresponding number or, vice versa, match the number card to card of objects placed on the board beforehand
Working with 0 – 5 pages to visualise the concept of ‘none’ and help independent work when 0 is involved
Students start with copying 1 letter at the time and learn to write the names of 6 main colors, 6 vehicles and 6 animal . Digraphs/ diphthongs are kept together but not blends.
After students master copying , a visual dictionary could be use for generalization. The final phase is reading, where students read the words and match pictures accordingly.
All pages are carefully chained to allow a step-by-step independent work and to unsure error-less learning.
Good cross curricular links.